A group of four smiling people standing together outside

About Healthy Future Sask

Hosted by the Saskatchewan Cancer Agency, Healthy Future Sask (HFS) is a population health research study that aims to answer questions about the causes of cancer and chronic disease by following the health of Saskatchewan residents for up to 50 years.

Healthy Future Sask is currently open for recruitment. We aim to recruit over 7,000 Saskatchewan residents between the ages of 30 and 74 to participate in the study. Through questionnaires, Healthy Future Sask collects data on lifestyle, environment and family health history. At enrolment, participants will be asked to complete a baseline questionnaire and attend an optional in-person appointment. Over the years we will ask participants to continue to fill out questionnaires to update us on their health status. By collecting this data HFS is able to capture how health changes over time.

The goal of Healthy Future Sask is to enable discovery and innovation in disease detection, treatment, control and prevention. The data collected from Healthy Future Sask will be combined with other cohorts from across the country to form a national data set. Examining large data sets from people, over time, reveals patterns and connects details to achieve new discoveries. 

By participating in our research initiative you will not only be supporting your loved ones, you’ll be making a difference in future care and prevention for years to come.

To support this important project, the Saskatchewan Cancer Agency receives funding from CanPath to develop the provincial cohort and join the national study.

Find more about CanPath here

An older woman holding a baby swaddled in blue, kissing him on the cheek