Aerial view of people walking on a large, open plaza with a geometric pattern of intersecting black lines, resembling a network with CanPath logo in the centre

CanPath- the Canadian Partnership for Tomorrow’s Health – is Canada’s largest population health study. CanPath consists of seven regional cohorts across ten provinces, With over 330,000 volunteer Canadians enrolled, CanPath  supports researchers to explore how genetics, environment, lifestyle and behaviour interact and contribute to the development of cancer and other chronic diseases.

CanPath is a living population laboratory containing a wealth of data from more and is the largest data collection of its kind in Canadian history. Participants aged 30-74 voluntarily share their health and biological information over the next 50 years. Researchers study these data to understand disease risk factors better to help unlock the mysteries of what causes cancer and other chronic diseases.

By working together with the regional cohorts, from coast to coast, CanPath can achieve greater insights into population health.

Learn more about CanPath by visiting their website, along with all the other regional cohorts that make up this legacy project.

Series of geometric shapes